Friday, September 10, 2010

Last Night as Miss Moorhead

As I sit in my hotel room with my sister queen Paige Meyer, It's bitter sweet to know that we will be giving up our titles tomorrow night!  We are having a girls night, practicing our intro number and eating lots of chocolate :-)

I have been so busy this past month, getting ready for my big Fundraiser on September 24th, working, and of course starting school.  If you haven't done so yet, check out my website about the fundraiser featuring TONIC SOL-FA, Johnnie Blend and Miss Minnesota!  All proceeds benefit the Children's Miracle Network

I had my last Pizza Ranch Fundraiser on August 16th.  I brought candy for all the employees and I will miss seeing their friendly faces every month :-)
On August 28th, I was in the Barnesville Potato Days Parade.  I saw Miss Northwest, Melissa Paak, and we had some time to chat before the parade started.  Thank you to Ford Muscatell who donated an awesome truck for Paige and I to ride in :-)

On September 2nd I attended the Minnesota State Fair for the first time in my life! I went with Miss Minnesota, Kathryn Knuttila, and my Mom.  We were there from 7:30am to 11:00pm!  Plenty of time to eat as much state fair food as possible.  I had corn dogs, sliced apples with caramel and peanuts,  chocolate dipped bananas and strawberries, deep fried pickles, cookies, and of course a deep fried snickers bar! I definitely had my fair share of calories that day :-) I got to watch Kathryn be Miss Minnesota.  She did many radio appearances and got stopped many times throughout the day to give autographs and take pictures.  She also had an appearance on Twin Cities Live where I got to meet the host Elizabeth Ries.  I even got to dance with the "Go Groove" guy from that commercial :-)  That evening I had the opportunity to compete in the State Fair Talent Show where I sang the song "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey.  It was so much fun to perform in front of such a large crowd.

Tomorrow I am waking up bright and early and meeting all of the girls competing for my job.  I can't wait to meet them and hang out with them all day :-)

I can't believe this time has already come.

Bethany Beniek

Last Night as Miss Moorhead

As I sit in my hotel room with my sister queen Paige Meyer, It's bitter sweet to know that we will be giving up our titles tomorrow night!  We are having a girls night, practicing our intro number and eating lots of chocolate :-)

I have been so busy this past month, getting ready for my big Fundraiser on September 24th, working, and of course starting school.

I had my last Pizza Ranch Fundraiser on August 16th.  I brought candy for all the employees and I will miss seeing their friendly faces every month :-)
 On August 28th, I was in the Barnesville