Monday, October 4, 2010


Growing up, we all have dreams and goals that we someday hope to accomplish.  Some people dream of being a veterinarian, others a writer, some even dream of being famous.  One year ago I stood on this stage and experienced one of my dreams come true. 

My amazing year-long journey was full of so many wonderful memories and life experiences.  Every accomplishment was possible thanks to the outstanding support and love of those I hold most dear.

 My fantastic committee, how would I have survived without you?  Always thinking of what’s best for me and organizing so many events and appearances to enrich my life.  This year simply wouldn’t have been possible without the constant support from the Bunkowske family.

My family and close friends, thank you for supporting me with whatever dream I try to pursue. You are my greatest cheerleaders.  Dad, thank you for cutting all my music and providing any technical needs, you are so brilliant!  Mom, thank you for being so driven to make me feel the best and for taking all my pageant photos, you are a very talented photographer!  Mel and Ben, you are the most unique brother and sister a girl could ever ask for, I love you both so much!

Travis, you mean the world to me.  You keep me level-headed and I have never felt more loved or supported.

Paige, Miss Red River Valley Outstanding Teen, you have been a true inspiration.  You are a remarkable young woman and I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for you.  I enjoyed spending the year with you. 

My “little sister” Ashley (through the Big Brother’s Big Sisters Organization), you have helped me see life in a different way.  The growth I have seen within you and myself over the past two years is what fueled my desire to make this organization my platform.  Our relationship has blossomed and I cannot wait to see what the future hold for us.

Stacie McBride-Cox, you are such an inspirational woman.  You have helped me grow in ways that you may not realize.

Kathryn Knuttila, I have one word to describe you, WOW! I hold our friendship very close to my heart and can’t wait to cheer you on at Miss America.  I look up to you in so many ways.

To all of the girls competing for my job, I want to quote Ann Swanson when I say “remember that the judges tonight are not choosing a winner from a group of representatives.  They are choosing a representative from a group of winners.” So many opportunities and so many new doors have opened in my life thanks to the Miss Moorhead Organization and I end my year with nothing but gratitude.  I wish and pray for God’s continued blessings for this organization.

Although I am sad that this year is coming to an end, I am thrilled to forever be known as Bethany Beniek, your Miss Moorhead 2009.

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