Sunday, November 29, 2009

Miss Minnesota's CD Release Party

I have been looking forward to Brooke's CD Release Party for quite some time. It was held in the Best Buy Rotunda at the Mall of America on Sunday, November 29th from 1:00-3:00pm. Before the concert, Brooke held a Pre-Event Party for the Gillette Children and local title holders. We were able to meet and visit with many children who have been helped by the Children's Miracle Network (CMN), one of them being Brandon Wittrock, CMN 2009 Champion! He remembered me back when I met him this past summer at the Minnesota Zoo :-)
After visiting and eating, we had an hour to spare before the concert began. Some of the girls and I quickly visited the dress store Glitz!, which is a sponsor for the Miss Minnesota Organization! Of course I wanted to buy about ten more dresses, but I had to resist.

The concert was incredible. Brooke sang all three of her songs from her CD, Carry You Through, Jo Bender performed two songs on her fidle, and the band Select Three serenaded us with multiple songs. At the end of the concert all the local title holders were asked up on stage to present the giant check to Brandon which totalled $9,000!! Brandon said he felt like a millionaire holding that huge check :-)

Thank you Brooke for making this entire event happen! It was a beautiful concert for such a great cause!
Bethany Beniek

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