Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Little Sister Ashley

After looking over my blog I realized I haven't told anyone much about my little sister Ashley!  I have been involved in the Big Brothers Big Sisters Organization for over 2 years now and I cannot tell you how rewarding it is to be a volunteer within this program.

I meet with my little sister Ashley every week for one hour during the school day.  I am matched within the "School Based Program" which means you meet your little at their school to talk and have fun. It’s not about being a tutor, it’s about being a friend.  Another program you could get involved with is the "Community Based Program" where the Bigs and Littles meet in their community to share fun activities, such as going to a movie, having dinner or simply going over to each others houses.  Ashley and I are so excited to turn into a Community Based match after the school year is over :-)

Since I meet with her every week I have so many stories to tell about our relationship.  I'll try and tell you one story a week since I meet with her every week.  The one I'll share tonight is one that happened a few months back.  Ashley and I decided to start playing card games, we played everything from Kings Corner to Count Down to War and of course Go Fish!  We played multiple rounds of Go Fish and Ashley continuously won.  I told her, "Why do you always win?! You are so lucky!"  She looks up at me and smirks, I asked what she was up to and she finally giggled and said, "I cheated!" I was astonished and asked, "How on earth did you cheat?" Everytime I asked if she had a card she would say "Go Fish" even though she had that card and would ask me for it a couple turns later!  That little mischievous girl! I told her I refuse to play go fish with her ever again.  We laugh about it every time we take the cards out, and of course we still play Go Fish, but without the cheating ;-)

Ashley is one heck of a card player and let me tell you, I'm 21 years old and it took me a good month to learn how to play 500.  Ashley knows how to play like a pro and she is only 10 years old! Anyone want to play against Ashley and I, I'll warn you, we are good :-)

I have so many great personal stories and I can't wait to continue sharing them with you.  I only hope that anyone who reads this seriously considers volunteering within this program.  It's success is based on such a simply concept yet it provides a better future for our youth.  At first it was difficult for me to see how I was making a difference just by being someone's friend, but over time I have seen how excited Ashley gets when I come to meet with her, I have recieved all the text messages from her reminding me when we are going to meet, and I can see how I could be influencing her life in a positive way.  Please visit to learn how you can get involved in your local area.  One of my goals as Miss Moorhead is to spread awareness of this organization and hopefully gain some more volunteers!

Bethany Beniek 

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