Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Royal Experience

On Friday, March 5th I had the opportunity to attend the "Royal Experience" for the second year in a row. Stacie Mcbride-Cox coordinates this event that involves many, many little girls who want to learn more about inner beauty. This is an incredible event for all young girls! Some local title holders such as myself volunteered to help out and teach what true inner beauty is. It's not the clothes you wear or the hair style you have, it's the personality you attain and the spirit you carry within yourself.

The night consisted of room decorating, dressing up, putting make-up on, eating and the main event...the talent show! I sang a song and wore a sparkly dress to impress the little girls. All the title holders brought autograph cards and we did some autograph signing after the show. All of our hands hurt by the end of the evening! I guess they are getting us ready for Miss Minnesota Week:-)

My spring break is officially over and I'll be back in school! I cannot believe how fast time goes by. Only 89 Days until I leave for Miss Minnesota!!

Bethany Beniek

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