Saturday, May 22, 2010

Feed My Starving Children, Fashion Rehearsal and Saluting Veterans

This past week has been jam packed with appearances, driving and pageant preparations!  This past Thursday I volunteered with Brooke (Miss Minnesota), Kathryn (Miss Twin Cities), Samantha (Miss Mankato) and the entire cast of Footloose at the "Feed My Starving Children" facility in Chanhassen.  It was a fun filled experience!  The moment we arrived we all had to put on hair nets that were very attractive :-) Samantha has a great photo of us in our hair nets so stay tuned to her blog to check out that photo!

When I arrived I didn't know what to expect.  I had never volunteered for "Feed My Starving Children" before.  This program is 100% volunteer based.  It provides food for starving children around the entire world.  At this time they are focusing on sending the packaged food to Haiti because of all the hardship that has occured in that area.  Over 18,000 children die a day from starvation.  This statistic is very sad and I am so thrilled that there are progams like this that are helping children in need.

Once we all watched a video about the program we headed into the packaging room where we spent and hour and half packaging bags of food.  It was a BLAST! I was on an assembly line with the pageant ladies and we talked the entire time.  Brooke of course was dreading the idea of giving up her title in a few short weeks!  There were several assembly lines and it started to become a competition who could package the most boxes.  We were a competitive team, but I think we came in second.

The photo above is the amount of boxes that our group packaged. We packaged 62 boxes that contains 13,392 meals in them.  This would feed 37 children for a year.  I'm so proud of everyone who volunteered that day.  I really feel like we made a difference.

That same evening was the Fashion Show Rehearsal! There are many local title holders attending this fashion show and all the clothing is funky and fresh you simply must come check it out this coming Monday, located at Majors in Bloomington.  The music is fun and upbeat and it is a Children's Miracle Network Fundraiser.  Although rehearsal went late into the evening, the other contestants and I got giggly and had a great time.

Today, May 22nd, I ran in the "Old Glory Run" located in Cold Spring which benefited disabled veterans.  I sang the National Anthem with the color guard.  It was amazing seeing all the veterans and soldiers salute to me during the entire song.  I have to say I was not only proud to be an American, but it helped me remember how thankful I am for every person who is currently serving and who has served for our nation.

Of course these past few days have been gorgeous outside so the one time that I get to be outside it rains.  It rained for about an hour this morning and we had to pospone the run because of lightning.  It didn't rain for too long and it stopped raining completely before the race.  There was no need in doing my hair that morning, it was drenched by the time I sang the National Anthem.  I didn't wear my crown and sash because I didn't want to get it wet from the rain, but the anouncer still introduced me as Miss Moorhead so I was thrilled to represent the Miss Minnsota Organization!

This is my hair before the rain, with a current soldier

My hair after the rain, singing the National Anthem

These next few weeks are so busy, my schedule is packed to the max.  I take one day at a time and I know Miss Minnesota week will be here before we know it!

Bethany Beniek 

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