Friday, May 28, 2010

Ashley's Talent Show

Today, May 28th, I attended Ashley's Talent Show at Kennedy Elementary School.  Ashley is my little sister through the Big Brother's Big Sister's Organization and I absolutely love spending time with her.  I meet with her for one hour every week during the school day and yesterday when I was with her at recess, she asked me if I was coming to her talent show.  I was so thrilled that she had signed up with a few of her friends to participate in the school wide talent show.  She plays the violin.  She did such a great job.  It takes a lot of courage to get up in front of a large crowd and perform a talent and she did it in 5th grade! I'm so proud of her!  Over this past year my relationship with Ashley has truly blossomed and I encourage anyone and everyone to look into becoming a "Big Brother" or "Big Sister" yourself.  If it wasn't for the Big Brother's Big Sister's Organization I would have never met Ashley.  We have really became apart of each other's lives.  This program is proven to help children become more confident in themselves and with their school work.  It it proven that children within this program are less likely to use alcohol or participate in substance abuse. They are less likely to skip school and have better relationships with their friends and family.  All these outcomes are made possible by simply being a friend with someone else.  There is a child who wants to be your friend, there are over 800 children on the waiting list for a Big Brother or Big Sister within a 10 county radius.  Help that number decrease and become a mentor yourself.

Bethany Beniek      

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