Sunday, May 9, 2010

Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure

On Sunday May 9th (Mother's Day) I ran in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure.  I honestly don't know how I can put this experience into words.  It was one of the most emotional and memorable experiences of my life!

The race took place in Bloomington, right outside of the Mall of America.  I woke up bright and early to be there by 6:45AM, the race began at 7:30AM.  I registered and recieved my race day T-Shirt, which I think is super cute!  Everyone pinned on their race numbers and wrote out pink "In Memory of" or "In Celebration of" cards and also pinned those on their shirts.  I wrote mine, "In Celebration of my Mother on Mother's Day."  When I walked outside into the parking lot there were many tents set up across the entire parking lot.  I walked around a little bit before the race and picked up quite a few free items.  They were also handing out cancer awareness handkerchiefs that everyone wore on different parts of their body.  Some wrapped it around their legs, some around their neck, others around their heads.  I decided to wrap it around my arm :-)

I walked down to where the race was going to start.  Over 7,500 people ran in the 5K Race for the Cure and over 50,000 people attended the 5K Walk for the Cure making this event the Second Largest Race for the Cure IN THE NATION! I was so thrilled to be apart of this event.  Way to go Minnesota for being so supportive of such an outstanding cause!  Breast cancer runs on my mother's side of the family and I have always been taught the importance of preventing breast cancer.  My aunt is a breast cancer survivor!

After the singing of the National Anthem the hosts from KARE 11 gave us the countdown.  The race began! I didn't even have to listen to my iPod at all because there were bands and music along the race path.  There were cheerleaders and families cheering us on and giving us high fives.  I was overwhelmed by the amount of support that was given at this race and I couldn't help but tear up several times while I was running.  One of the most memorable parts of the race was when we all were running through the tunnel and everyone started yelling and screaming with joy! Everyone's voices echoed throughout the tunnel!  I smiled, looked up and joined in with all the shouting.

I ran the whole way and shaved off two minutes from my previous 5K.  I'm no long distance runner so my times are nothing to get excited over, I'm just proud I ran the whole way without stopping :-)  Overall this was an incredible experience.  I would suggest anyone and everyone to participate in something like this.  I will never forget it.

I got this photo from check it out if you want to see more pictures from the day

My next 5K is on May 22, which benefits disabled veterans.  It's called the "Old Glory Run."  I will be kicking off the event by singing the National Anthem.  It is such an honor to sing our National Anthem and if you want to hear me sing, or perhaps run in the race with me, please visit to register! It would be great seeing you there.

I cannot believe how fast time is flying by.  Before we know it, it will be June 12th and I will be checking into the hotel for Miss Minnesota Week!!

Bethany Beniek     

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