Sunday, April 25, 2010

TOP 24 Concert

I had a wonderul experience at the TOP 24 Spirit 92.9 Concert on Friday, April 23rd!  The theater was packed with hundreds of people cheering for their contestant.  People were even sitting in the isle and on the stairs, it was so much fun to see so much support.  There were 24 conestants that sang a 3 minute song and three judges gave you feedback in front of everyone after you were done singing.  It was just like American Idol, exept there were no "Simon" judges :-) The judges gave me some great feedback!  They said I had great stage presence and they loved how I connected with the audience.  It was great performing in front of such a large crowd.  It was a perfect rehearsal for the Miss Minnesota Pageant! Except of course I'll be singing a different song.  I sang "Footprints in the Sand" by Leona Lewis for this concert.  I will be singing "Who's Lovin' You" by the Jackson 5 for Miss Minnesota! Goodness words cannot describe how excited I am to perform on the Miss Minnesota Stage again!!
Although I did not make the TOP 8 for the competition, I had a great experience.  There was so much talent within the TOP 24, I was just so thrilled to have been apart of it :-)

After the concert I had to grab some dinner and get everything together for the Miss Minnesota Workshop the next day!!! I was up until 1:00am and had to get up at 4:30am!! Although I got no sleep, it didn't phase me because I was simply too excited to see everyone for workshop!

Thank you SO MUCH to my wonderful committee for driving down to watch me perform! Also to my Mom, Dad, and Boyfriend for supporting me :-) Love you all!

Bethany Beniek

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