Monday, April 5, 2010

BBBS Story of the Week

As promised, I wanted to share another story about my little sister Ashley and I.  Thinking of all the incredible times we have spent together, I thought I'd share the story when I met her family for the first time.

Ashley and I had planned out when we were going to finally meet at her house, since we are a part of the school based program we always meet at school, but during Christmas break she said she would "miss me too much if we didn't see each other for a whole month!"  I couldn't resist and we planned to see "The Princess and the Frog" together :-) We both LOVE Disney movies.  When I arrived at her house she was so excited to introduce me to her mom, and younger sister.  After chatting for a bit, Ashley and I played Disney Karaoke, singing Hannah Montana, and High School Musical songs.  We took turns with the microphone and I was amazed at how talented she was! At ten years old she was hitting notes and belting her little heart out!  I told her she should try and get into vocal lessons.

After singing, she showed me around her house and then finally, I got to meet DINO!! Dino is her beautiful German Shepperd!!  WOW, it was a HUGE dog that was so happy.  I love big dogs, I cannot wait to get one myself.  Dino was trained so well, Ashley would make a simple hand gesture and he would sit, stay or fetch with the movement of her hand.  Dino was incredible and I only hope I can have a dog like that someday!

After eating dinner we were off to the movie!  After some soda, popcorn and a Disney Movie later, I had to take Ashley home.  After taking her home we talked about how excited we were to become apart of the Community based program so we could meet together outside of school anytime we wanted.

This is just another one of many, many stories to come.  If at any time you feel touched enough by these stories to be a Big Brother or Big Sister yourself, please visit to see how you can get involved in your area!

I hope we all had a great Easter Holiday! The weather is feeling great and I have been keeping myself very busy with, school, work, appearances, and Miss Minnesota paperwork which is due on April 16th!  I'm almost finished though, only a couple more pieces to work on :-)

Bethany Beniek

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