Monday, April 26, 2010

Contestant Workshop 2010

This past Saturday, April 24th, was the Miss Minnesota 2010 Contestant Workshop!  I was so excited to go and see all the girls again.  I arrived early to check in and hand in all my paperwork.  A huge surprise to me was seeing our beautiful opening number dresses sitting on the check in table for all the girls! You will fall in love with our dresses this year. They are strapless, RED cocktail dresses that look stunning! They will look amazing on stage.

After getting aquainted with all the contestants we all sat down and listened to the Miss Minnesota Committee introduce themselves.  We all introduced ourselves as well, saying our names, title, platform, and we had to share what we were most excited about for Miss Minnesota Week :-) I said I was most excited about the new Glitz appearance! I love any opportunity to wear evening gowns and during Miss MN week we get to put on a Glitz Fashion Show!

After introductions we got down to business.  We started with Contestant Order.  This year there are two nights of preliminaries so there is a "Group A" and a "Group B".  I am contestant number 17, Group B which means I will be competing in Swim wear and Evening wear on Thursday night, and then Talent and On-Stage Question on Friday Night!

Next was picking roommates! This year I am roommates with Miss Morris, Sarah Matthews-Saugstad.  I thought it was a little funny that Miss MOoread and Miss MOrris and rooming together :-)
Sarah and I during Workshop

After having some lunch we all split up into groups, contestants, committees and parents.  We spent the rest of the day talking to some of our sponsors such as Eileen Clift, Paula Preston, and Jason Young.  We took some silly photos with Paula Preston and am interested to see what is done with them :-)

I still cannot believe how fast time is going by.  I have two weeks of school left and then only one month to prepare for the best job anyone could ask for!  I still have much to do before Miss Minnesota week, but I just can't wait until it is here!

Bethany Beniek

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