Saturday, June 12, 2010

Miss Minnesota Week! SATURDAY

Well it's official, I'm sitting in my hotel room enjoying my first night of Miss Minnesota Week.  I arrived around 4 o'clock today.  After getting checked in I brought my ridiculous amount of luggage up to my room and unpacked to get myself organized.  Sarah (my roommate) was already in the room.  Before we knew it we had to be downstairs to leave to go bowling!

The moment all the girls got in the vans all the cameras came out and we all started taking photos :-) I'll post all my photos right after June 19th.  The photo above is my bowling team, Aja, Tiffany, Lacey, and I.  We called ourselves the "Winners" so we tried to create a "W" with our bodies.  I think it was quite successful! Although my bowling team came in last place I am proud to say I bowled a 129!

After we arrived back from bowling, we met up in a common room to talk about the plans for tomorrow.  I have my Quality of Life Award Interview at 10:15am and then we are leaving for the Mall of America to have lunch at the Panda Express.  I'm looking forward to the Glitz Fashion show tomorrow, I love wearing dresses! I hope to see you all there at 2:00pm at Glitz!

I better get some beauty sleep because I didn't get any sleep last night (I was too excited).  I love sleeping in hotel rooms.  And let me tell you, this bed is very comfortable!

I'll try and keep you all updated throughout the week.
Bethany Beniek  

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