Thursday, June 17, 2010


Wednesday, I got up at 5:00am to get ready to eat breakfast at the Original Pancake House.  It was so delicious! I had hot cocoa, banana pancakes and eggs over easy, just the way I like them :-)

After breakfast we went over to the theater to rehearse all day.  Honestly, I've never been so exited to perform an opening number.  It's so much fun! After rehearsal we got ready for the Miss Minnesota's Outstanding Teen Pageant and went to Santorini's for lunch.

We ended up being really early for the teen pageant so we made a stop at Target to kill some time.  It was so funny going into Target with all of our cocktail dresses on.  Everyone was asking us why we were so dressed up.

Finally we were at the teen pageant and it was so great to see my committee and family again.  They all came to support Paige Meyer, my sister queen (Miss Red River Valley Outstanding Teen).  Everyone was so talented!  Paige made me cry with her ballet performance and many other contestants made my jaw drop with how talented they were at such young ages!  Watching the pageant was very emotional for me knowing that that will be me on stage this week!  Congratulations to 2nd runner up, Bailey Wachholz, 1st runner up Paige Meyer, and the new Miss Minnesota's Outstanding Teen Katarina Akridge!

I have not been getting any sleep this week and was very excited to get 8 hours of sleep last night, BUT I woke up at 5:45am this morning and cannot go back to sleep.  I have my Interview today at 2:15pm and I compete in swim wear and evening gown tonight at Prelims.  I know my body is tired, but my mind is so occupied with thoughts I can't go back to sleep, so I decided to blog :-)

I hope to see you all tonight!

Bethany Beniek

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