Monday, June 21, 2010


Saturday had finally arrived.  I got a good night of rest and woke up to get ready for brunch with my family and friends.  It was so great getting caught up with my committee and family and telling them all about the week.  The brunch was delicious as well :-)

All the contestants got up individually and told a funny memory about the week.  Everyone had great stories to share and it was a wonderful way to showcase how much fun we had throughout the week together.  Writing this blog is so emotional right now because I'm at home trying to get back into reality and I miss everyone so much!  I really hope to keep in touch with all the wonderful contestants this year.  I have made some incredible frienships that will never fade.

After brunch we had some spare time before we left for the theater, so I tried to enjoy the last day at the hotel by visiting with everyone.  Once we arrived at the hotel we rehearsed the final night production and the directors surprised us with new swim wear and evening gown music!  The biggest surprise yet was that the top 10 had to wear sheer scarfs around their waist and have fun with them on stage while competing in swim wear.  I think we all freaked out at first, but once we saw how cool it looked we felt a bit more confident about it :-)

After rehearsal we had plenty of time to get ready.  I warmed up my voice, did some workouts and started doing my hair.  It all felt so surreal in a way.  I couldn't believe I was already getting ready for the Final night of Miss Minnesota week.  I thought to myself, "a new Miss Minnesota will be crowned in less than 3 hours!"  I recieved many cards and flowers from family and friends and I was already getting emotional before the show even started.  I appreciate all the love and support everyone has shown me.  I couldn't ask for better people to suround my everyday life.

Showtime was here! My dressing room always said a prayer before going on stage and we could feel the energy surge through our hands as we held them tightly together.  Thank you Siri and Emily for leading us in prayer our three nights of competition, you helped us feel at peace and excited at the same time.

After the incredible opening number, all 20 contestants stood on stage anxiously awaiting to see who the top 10 were.  This was the hard part!  I could never have chosen just ten people out of this group of ladies.  I really admire what Ann Swanson said at the brunch that morning, "the judges are not chosing a winner from a group of representatives, but a representative from a group of winners!"  I honestly believe that every single woman standing on that stage is indeed a winner.

I am very pround to say that I was a top 10 semifinalist and got to perform on the Miss Minnesota stage again that Saturday evening!  I feel very confident about my swim wear, evening gown and talent performances.  I would not have changed one thing.  Congratulations to the 4th runner up, Allison Lordbach, 3rd runner up, Lauren Johnson, 2nd runner up, Samantha Phillippe, 1st runner up, Siri Freeh and the New Miss Minnesota 2010, Kathryn Knuttila!  Kathryn is my best friend and I honestly felt like I had won Miss Minnesota that evening because I was so happy for her!  She will be a great Miss Minnesota and will represent us well during her year of service.  I cannot wait to see all of the wonderful things she will achieve this year. Kathryn, I'm so proud of you.

After the pageant I headed down to the reception area where I took plenty of photos with everyone who came to support me.  I said goodbye to as many of the contestants as possible and left for the hotel where my mom rubbed my feet (much needed)!  Now I'm back at home and I'm trying to get back into the swing of things.  I was treated like royalty all week, never kept a phone on me, never knew what time it was, just enjoyed every moment.  Now I have to keep my phone on me, go to work, study for school, and apply to dental school!  Life is flying by and if there is anything that the Miss America Organization has taught me, it's to enjoy every moment and take in the experience.

The best part about competing for Miss Minnesota is that even though I did not win, I am still Miss Moorhead for three more months.  I am staying very busy with this HUGE event that I am planning on September 24th entitled, "Reach for your Dreams" at the College of Saint Benedicts featuring Tonic Solfa where all proceeds will be donated to the Children's Miracle Network!  Please get your tickets TODAY at

My goal is to sell out the 1,047 seat theater! Help make my goal a reality and raise a substantial amount for the Children's Miracle Network!

I will be attending the Miss Brainerd Lakes Pageant this Saturday :-) I hope to see you all there.

Bethany Beniek 

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