Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Today we were up bright and early (like every day) and went to the Minnesota Zoo! It was so much fun having some free time to look at whatever we wanted.  A group of us went in the indoor exhibit where we sat and watched some awesome monkeys.  They had big bushy white tails and were hopping around from tree to tree and they even fought with each other.  I was very entertained!

After the Zoo we had lunch and had rehearsal for four hours.  Rehearsal was very fun!  We are using some incredible music this year and it is so much fun to rehearse to :-)

Once rehearsal was finished we had some time to freshen up to eat diner at BUCA! Buca was of course delicious, but I had to work out a little extra hard this evening because I ate so much!  I think almost all the girls were in the gym tonight because all we have been doing is stuffing our faces with outstanding food!

I'm SO excited for tomorrow (well except for getting up at 5am).  We eat breakfast at the Original Pancake House, head over to the theater for more rehearsal, and then get ready for the MISS MINNESOTA OUTSTANDING TEEN Pageant! Words cannot describe how excited I am to watch this pageant, it's going to be a blast!

Bethany Beniek

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