Monday, June 7, 2010

Quality of Life Finalist!

I am thrilled to say that I am a 2010 Tracie Joy McBride Quality of Life Finalist!  I worked really hard on my essay and tried relentlessly to put who I am onto paper.  What a great way to kick off Miss Minnesota week, a 10 minute interview talking about things that I am passionate about :-)

Also, this past week my little brother, Benjamin, graduated from high school and his graduation party was on Saturday, June 5th.  Since school is all over for Ashley (my little sister within the Big Brother's Big Sister's Program) we are allowed to meet with each other outside of school :-)  I invited her over to the graduation party to meet my family for the first time.  Not only did she meet my immediate family for the first time, she met my entire extended family and friends.  It was a little overwhelming for her at first because of all the names she couldn't remember, but once we ate some food and started playing some games she started to loosen up and become more relaxed.  We played card games, bean bag toss, and polish golf.  We had a great day together.  The very next day, June 6th, was her birthday! She turned 11 years old! She was having a sleep over with a bunch of her friends so I dropped off my gift for her before they all came over.  I got her an adorable beach bag from Hollister and a couple of movies for us to watch together.  We were so sad to part though because I won't see her again until after Miss Minnesota week.  I told her I would text her all of the results from pageant week and see her after Father's Day!  I like to share stories about Ashley and I because my relationship with her has really changed me as a person.  I truly feel like I'm making an impact on someone else's life.  I can see how much Ashley looks up to me.  I really want everyone to go through this same experience.  Please visit to see how you can become a Big Brother or Big Sister yourself!  It's something you would never regret.

                                                     Ashley and I playing Polish Golf :-)

The next four days are filled with my send-off party, mock interviews, driving to the cities three more times, getting my hair/nails/toes done and of course PACKING which I haven't even started.  I put all my pageant stuff in a separate room for now.  I'm organized I just haven't put anything into luggage yet. I simply cannot wait.  I can't sleep I'm so excited.  To give you a little perspective I went to work out tonight at midnight and am writing in my blog at 1:15 AM!!  I can't stop thinking about the pageant!

Bethany Beniek

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