Monday, June 28, 2010

Miss Brainerd Lakes 2010

I attended the Miss Brainerd Lakes Pageant on Saturday, June 26th.  I was so excited to see some of the contestants from Miss MN week again!  Lauren Johnson was so beautiful on stage and gave up her title with poise and grace.  I also got to see Lexi, Kaylah, Samantha, Paige and Kathryn again!  It's crazy how much you can miss people after one week. 

I got to see Kathryn as Miss Minnesota up on stage!  She did such an amazing job and is already representing Minnesota well.  I'm so jealous of Kathryn's wardrobe, she always has some new dress to show us and I loved the gown she wore when she presented her talent.  It was off one shoulder and had black and white patterns on it.

The Miss Brainerd Lakes Pageant had 8 outstanding contestants this year.  I had a blast watching the pageant.  Anytime I get to watch one I get so excited and want to compete myself :-) I just love performing!

Congratulations to the new Miss Brainerd Lakes 2010, Mary Peterson! I look forward to seeing the incredible things she will accomplish this year.

After the pageant a bunch of people went out to eat and I got to catch up with some close friends!  It was a great evening.

Bethany Beniek 

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